Hi! Happy Weekend! Happy June. I hope May was a great month for everyone! May moved very quickly over here. The month was jam packed with so many good things in my work world + lots of good times with the people I love. I hosted friends several nights, pool days, dance parties, I met my best friends new born angel baby for the first time, a couple yummy mimosa brunches and so much quality time & conversations with friends and my family.
Circling back to the April Edit, where I shared that I experienced vertigo for the first time in my life….
I continued to experience some dizziness on & off during the first couple weeks of May. I actually had a few days where I was feeling really great, went to yoga, was doing hand stands and boom! I felt the spins come on. I felt kind of off throughout the rest of day but it seemed to subside within 24+ hours. Now, I’m dealing with this weird fullness in my ears, mainly my left ear (this was the side I was experiencing vertigo on) and I’m not really sure what to make of it. The fullness seems to have lessened in the last few days actually, so I’m just hoping it goes away on its own. I think it has to do with my bite adjusting since my braces came off end of January and how badly I clench at night. Will keep you guys updated.
I’m officially back into the swing of things with my tennis lessons and loving it so much! I generally play with my coach every Tuesday morning and it’s my absolute favorite workout of the week. It’s so fun & rewarding to improve my game + playing with my coach is killer – it is non-stop on the court. I’ve also been increasing my cardio a bit to lean out and trying to get back into the habit of training legs at least 1x week like I was doing last year. I have to be careful and really balance out my workouts when it comes to legs because if I get too tight / sore in my glutes, hips and quads, my back has a tendency to “go out”.
Speaking of my legs, I’ve always been crazy quad dominant and it’s been in overdrive lately. Like, to the point where my quads get super fatigued and start spasming. That being said, I’ve been really focusing on a proper warm up that includes glute activation exercises with a resistance band – lots of lateral walks, clam shells, kick backs, etc… It’s been about 2 weeks+ since I’ve been incorporating these movements into my warm up and it’s made SUCH a difference! Just another one of those things, like food, that I know I need to do but then I get lazy and think I can go without it but then my body is like, uhmm, oh no you can’t. haha
On the food front, I’ve been really putting in the time & effort to cook more meals. I find myself getting into a rut (laziness or short on time) where I just eat random snacks (lots of crackers & hummus, lol) or a protein bar and call it a meal. As a result, I have been feeling worn down, not recovering from my workouts well, holding onto weight and having all kinds of stomach issues. I was actually out with friends one Saturday night and left to go home early because my stomach was bloated and hurting SO badly. It’s been right at 2 weeks since I’ve been in a good routine and it’s literally night & day – I feel so much better, my stomach never hurts, and I’ve leaned out. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone through this cycle in my life. At the end of the day, I just can’t fall into a lazy habit of not cooking REAL meals. Otherwise, it catches up with me and I’m not at my best. Taking the time to cook for yourself is an act of self love / self care. It’s so easy to make excuses and not make the time to do it, but it is SO worth it.
And, in not so important news, I’ve been letting my curly hair go wild the last couple weeks. I tend to let my hair go natural a bit more during the summer months, but I literally have not done my hair in 2 straight weeks! Who am I?! haha I’m sure my hair is loving this little reprieve from heat & styling.
I can’t believe the show is over. lol The last few episodes were so sad, yet sweet.
Really enjoyed this two part documentary on the life and career of Garth Brooks.
This was such an adorable rom-com on Netflix. Loved the story line, the actors and characters, the locale – everything. Definitely a must watch, IMO.
OMG. I loved this show and could not stop watching. One of my best friends turned me onto it and I’m so glad she did. It’s a quick 6 episodes. I watched the first 5 episodes in one night (until 1:30am, lol) and finished the season the next night. Sienna Miller plays one of the main characters, Sophie Whitehouse, and she is so good. If you’re into a good scandalous, courtroom drama…you’ll love it, too!
Wrapped up Season 4 of Maisel and really enjoyed how the season finished up. I really didn’t love the start of the season but somehow got back into it as the season progressed. I’m also really into what’s brewing between Midge and Lenny Bruce. haha
Watched the reunion after Season 5 wrapped and I thought it was pretty cool. This was the first time they did a reunion and I enjoyed it.
I just started this interview style show hosted by David Letterman and I’m really enjoying it so far! Each episode features an intimate, one-on-one interview with a celebrity and Letterman asking questions about their family, childhood, career, etc… I’ve watched the Ryan Reynolds, Billie Eilish & Kim Kardashian interviews so far.
Always a mix of old & new, sharing what I’ve been listening to over the last month.
Totally loving Harry Styles at the moment. His new album, Harry’s House is so good. With the exception of a couple songs, I love the whole album.
My mom sent me this YouTube video with Max Lugavere, the author of Genius Kitchen and I think everyone should listen to this interview. So much amazing information about health, wellness, food and preventing Alzheimer’s.
Currently very into these 3 books. But mainly reading MREA. A friend and fellow agent gifted it to me after we got together at the beginning of May. This book has been on my list to read forever and I’m glad I’m finally reading it. So much good knowledge!
Still wearing every single thing I shared last month, on repeat. lol
Adding a couple other items into the mix and linking everything below.
ICYMI, I wrote a big blog post all about VEGAMOUR and how I’ve been using their GRO HAIR Products to help my hair grow thicker, longer & stronger for the last 6+ months. You can read My Honest Review by clicking the link. 🙂
I ran out of a couple products and took advantage of the Aillea Memorial Day Sale to restock on a couple favorites & also try out couple new Indie Lee Products I’ve heard good things about.

I stopped taking my Ritual Multi months & months ago – I just didn’t feel like it was getting anything out of it anymore. I’ve been feeling like I really needed a Multi in my life again, had been doing some research online but ultimately decided to buy this Whole Food Women’s Multi from New Chapter (I’ve always loved this brand) and I can totally tell a difference in how I feel since I’ve been taking it. It has so many organic veggies & herbs + adaptogenic herbs to help balance hormones, manage stress & boost my immune system. If you try it out, don’t take it at night. I was taking it at night for a few nights and it was keeping me up! On the flip side, I’ve taken one on a completely empty stomach several times and had zero nausea.

I purchased quite a few things for around the house last month…
several books – a few new coffee table books + motivational reads (my favorite!) I literally have to stop myself from buying too many coffee table books. lol I love them so much!
I bought this really cool rustic vase from a shop I discovered on Etsy, HiRusticReach. I have it sitting next to my bed on top of a wooden stool I purchased from Zara a few months ago (sadly no longer available) with a book underneath. I filled the vase with dried eucalyptus I picked up from World Market. I also picked up these rope taper candlesticks from World Market as well. They are so pretty in my gold candle holders from McGee & Co.
Thanks so much for stopping by & reading! Have an amazing June! xx – LS