March 27, 2025
Introducing the new Runners Love Yoga app for iOS and android — Runners Love Yoga

Introducing the new Runners Love Yoga app for iOS and android — Runners Love Yoga

In April 2020, I launched Runners Love Yoga TV, an expanded, improved site for online streaming of yoga workouts for runners. The apps make all of the content of Runners Love Yoga TV even more accessible to a greater number of runners. Especially as a runner, yoga is not your main form of exercise, but a complement to enhance your running: after a long run (or quite frankly a weekday run for that matter), the last thing you probably want to do is to dash back out the door to the yoga studio. Runners Love Yoga TV lets you stream classes to meet your specific needs as a runner—whether you want to target IT band tightness, hips, calves, core, stability, and more!—and to take a class of whatever length (from under 10 min. to 60, with most classes in the 20-30 min. range) and intensity (from very relaxed yin to strengthening vinyasa) that best suits YOU on any given day.


While I had had online yoga classes available for several years, Runners Love Yoga TV was awesome in more easily allowing me to always have fresh content available for my yoga students. Right now, there are 150+ yoga practices and counting, with new ones added every single week. Every single Friday, I release a new “Friday Flow” with a different theme: many subscribers tune in on Fridays and always do these on the release date! Remember though, you can do any of the classes at any time! I also release Workout Collections, 16-class series ranging in content from “Yin Yoga: The Complete Collection” to “Yoga for Strength and Stability” which creatively incorporates hand weights into the yoga sequencing of every other class! In addition, you will find Nightly Wind Down classes, shorter practices designed to help restore you after a long day or workout. Explore all categories HERE (and subscribe by clicking on any video to get access)!


The idea for the expanded RLY TV site was really sparked by not wanting to teach yoga on Zoom—I think we can all agree that we have had about all the video conferencing that we can handle, and that format, with space, time, and audio constraints, just doesn’t seem like the best, most effective way to deliver an online yoga class. In particular, having taken my own fair share of Zoom yoga (and having family members and yoga students with hearing issues), I found myself very unsatisfied with the audio quality of Zoom classes. By contrast, Runners Love Yoga TV delivers a crisp, professional grade audio experience to accompany your yoga—as I have heard from many of my UVa students, some of them barely watch me do yoga and mostly just listen to my instructions to follow along!

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