Dandruff is a common problem that normally every person experiences one or the other time. In this problem, small white-colored scales accumulate on the scalp. This condition can be both normal and curable or may get worse wherein the skin gets severely infected. A person having dandruff feels scales in between the hair and lots of itchiness on the head. The affected person may feel like scratching their head all the time. This may redden the scalp and cause further skin infections. It may also result in hair loss too.
Types of Dandruff and Causes
Dandruff can be of two types. Oily dandruff occurs in people with oily skin whereas dry skin people have dry dandruff. Both cases require different treatments. But before that, it is necessary to know the causes of dandruff.

The skin keeps on renewing itself. The older cells of the scalp are replaced by the newer ones. But, if the process is upset and the speed of renewal of cells increases, the older cells accumulate as flakes on the scalp. The result is dandruff on the head.
The cell renewal process is disturbed because of:
1. Frequent change in climatic conditions or temperatures,
2. An improper or insufficient wholesome diet,
3. Emotional exhaustion,
4. Use of unsuitable shampoos or harsh products on hair,
5. Excessive use of hair styling products and
6. Fungal infection
7. Once a person is aware of the cause of dandruff, he or she may take preventive actions that can lower the dandruff level.
Measures to Deal with Dandruff
a. Do not use the comb or brush of the affected person.
b. Clean or wash your own comb as frequently as possible.
c. If certain things like drug use or harsh hair products trigger dandruff then it’s better to stay away from them.
d. Get active and clean your hair regularly.
e. Keep your body fit and take a healthy diet. Also, cure constipation as it is one of the crucial factors of dandruff.
However, if dandruff persists then one must take proper treatment to clear away dandruff. The easiest solution is over the counter anti-dandruff shampoos available in the market. Pick a good one and keep on using it even after the dandruff is gone.
Home Remedies to Cure Dandruff
However, there are home remedies to get rid of dandruff from your beautiful hair.
Lemon Juice
For oily dandruff, apply fresh lemon juice on the scalp before your last rinse while washing your hair. This will not only help in cleaning dandruff but it will also make your hair lustrous.
Alternatively, mix Fuller’s earth with lemon juice thoroughly and apply it to the scalp. It is again a good remedy to combat dandruff.
Fenugreek seeds
Make a paste of fenugreek seeds soaked in water overnight. Just apply it on the scalp leave it for half an hour and then wash off. It’s a sure remedy to cure winter dandruff too. But continue this process for a couple of weeks or more, to clear away dandruff.
Also, massage warm oil on hair and scalp on a regular basis as a preventive measure.
Essential oils
Dandruff remedy ingredients may include neem oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, and tea tree oil. Mix oils and apply.
A) Rubbing or massaging directly onto your scalp with fingertips.
B) Add the oils to half a cup of purified water in a spray bottle. Shake and spray on your scalp at the base of your hair follicles, massage in if desired.
C) Alternatively, you can also comb through the mixed oils together and apply.
Also, massage warm oil on hair and scalp regularly as a preventive measure.
Coconut oil and camphor
Coconut oil nourishes the scalp, while camphor cools and reduces flaking. This combination is ideal to clear away dry dandruff.
How to use:
- Take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.
- Mix in a pinch of camphor.
- Massage gently into your scalp before bedtime.
- Leave overnight and wash in the morning.
Use 2-3 times a week for the best results.
Aloe Vera and Neem

Aloe vera soothes the scalp, and neem has antifungal properties that fight oily dandruff.
How to use:
- Blend fresh aloe vera gel with a few crushed neem leaves.
- Apply this paste to your scalp.
- Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
Do this twice a week for a healthy scalp.
Hibiscus and Yogurt
Hibiscus strengthens hair and helps reduce dandruff, while yogurt conditions the scalp. This home remedy is suitable for any kind of dandruff.
How to use:
- Crush a few hibiscus flowers into a paste.
- Mix with 2 tablespoons of yogurt.
- Apply to the scalp and leave for 30 minutes.
- Rinse with a mild shampoo.
Use weekly for best results.
FAQs on Dandruff
Can we get rid of dandruff permanently?
Dandruff can be controlled but may return due to factors like scalp dryness, stress, or diet. Regular hair care can help keep it in check.
Does diet affect dandruff?
Yes, an unhealthy diet lacking vitamins and hydration can lead to scalp issues. Eating a balanced diet rich in zinc and omega-3 can help.
Does stress cause dandruff?
Yes, stress can trigger dandruff by increasing oil production and scalp sensitivity. Managing stress can help reduce flakes.
Try these home remedies and enjoy a flake-free scalp naturally!
Reference: healthline.com