March 9, 2025
Cara Delevingne, inspiration

Cara Delevingne, inspiration

Bear Grylls Running wild with Cara Delevingne

Running wild with Bear Grylls, a hit adventure series in Discovery Channel. I highly recommend it for all those nature lovers out there. I for once have always been fasciated by mother nature and how abundant and encompassing she is compared to us. It puts things into perspective, and gives you a sense of humble serenity and calmness when you stand across a vast, beautiful landscape like the Sardinia mountains that Cara took on.

In some of these shows, celebrities reveal a glimpse of their personal lives, their thoughts and feelings behind all the bling bling stardom, and Cara Delevingne particularly caught my attention. At the surface, you see her as this super successful and rich model and Hollywood actress. it almost feels unfair to you – her rise to stardom. But as she sits down with Bear, surrounded by raw earth and green trees, she opens up. She shares that as a teenager, she had so much struggle with mental illness including anxiety, depression, almost tearing up. She was trying to find her identity, she was nothing but completely lost. Admist all these struggles, she found strength in hold on, in her case, it was going into the forest and cleansing her mind and body, without any judgement.

Many of us youngsters may feel this way, lost, directionless, without a purpose. Some of us may be in Cara’s position, pushed to the brinks of life, not knowing what to do, or why to carry on. But you should still do so, like what Cara did. How else will you appear in hit TV series Bear grylls with so much fame and fortune 🙂 Do not get me wrong, it is not about the fame or the fortune, but it is about living life. When you are lost, do what you love doing at that moment. It can be binge watching your favourite TV show or stuffing your face with chocolate cake. Sure these are short term pleasures, which many advocate to steer away and continue working hard, trying to find your goal and fighting to achieve it. STOP fighting, stop working HARD and making your life even HARDER. Do something you love doing right now and enjoy the moment guys, it never comes back. Live every single moment like it is your last, cherish it to the core, and how do you do that? Love what you are doing.

When you have gone through what Cara has gone through, and somehow found the courage and tenacity to see it through, you will come out the other end having achieved some form of enlightenment. She puts it beautifully – climbing rock walls or repelling down 200 feet cliffs are no longer fearful, as she has experienced something a lot more dreadful – being in her head, and when you look at her now, I believe that she has learnt to be less caught up inside her head.

To all those experiencing mental illness, stress, anxiety, depression, fear, guilt, shame, anger, or a turmoil of all these emotions mixed together, it only takes one second guys. One second to decide, that these emotions do not rule you. These thoughts and emotions are merely clouds that might obscure your vision at this point in life, but when the wind blows and the sun shines through, you will be radiating strength and tenacity like Cara Delevingne. But remember, until then, stick it through, and do what you love in life.

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