These days, people are doing too much. That’s what leading energy worker and founder of Power Soul Healing, Birgitta Visser, says.
“In our modern world of invasive, pervasive technology and constant digital connection, it can be all too easy to get swept up in the turmoil of incessant doing, achieving, and acquiring,” she explains. “We are so absorbed in our own screens that we have lost touch with the world around us.”
As a result, many people suffer from various “dis-eases” and a general sense of malaise. Visser is on a mission to raise awareness of the solution: energy work.
The challenges of our technological society
“We are bombarded from all directions by a barrage of distractions vying for our precious attention and energy,” Visser says. “Amidst this matrix of flashing screens, instant notifications, and the seduction of social media, staying grounded in our authentic being and connected to the wisdom of our hearts becomes an ever-greater challenge.”
In addition to technological distractions, she points to social conditioning as another challenge that must be overcome. “Society wants us to act and be a certain way,” she explains. “We have become so lost in this earthly jungle. It takes mindful intention and discipline to resist being fragmented and pulled in different directions by the breakneck pace and endless demands of a technologically driven society.”
Because of these challenges, Americans’ feelings of social isolation have increased.
“Many people have barricaded themselves by walls of indifference, lost in their own world,” Visser says. “It’s as if we’ve forgotten the joy of genuine interaction, opting instead for the convenience of screens and emojis, leaving our hearts yearning for the warmth of real connection.”
There’s a way to overcome these challenges, however.
The different modalities of energy work
“We need to unplug from all of this and plug back into spending time with ourselves,” Visser says. “Only by understanding ourselves with compassion and continually redirecting our awareness inward can we hope to remain centered in the now.”
Energy work can help. While there are many different techniques and schools of thought in this space — from meditation, Reiki, and yoga to shamanistic practices, light language, and crystal healing — Visser says the specific method someone chooses doesn’t matter.
“Any type of energy healing and/or light language work can help us overcome life’s challenges,” she says. “Any healing modality can work for anyone. Do whatever aligns with your spirit. There is no right or wrong, whether you feel called to explore Western medicine, talk therapy, alternative modalities, or a combination of approaches. Do what feels right for you. Release any judgment or external pressure about the ‘correct’ way to heal. Ultimately, you are the only one who can decide what will nurture your soul and help you process, grow, heal, and thrive. Trust in yourself to heal yourself in a way that is most meaningful for your own soul’s evolution.”
Visser also suggests that different modalities of energy work operate in a similar manner.
How energy work heals
“By tapping into the power of universal energy and our own inner light, these practices enable profound healing on all levels — physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual,” she explains. “They help us release stored traumas, painful emotions, and limiting beliefs that keep us stuck and disconnected from a more wholesome version of ourselves.”
Sinking back into the realm of pure being — that’s ultimately how energy work heals. Yet the mindful, strategic use of healthy, positive self-talk plays a key role.
“Our words condition our central nervous system,” Visser explains. “How we speak to ourselves determines where we are in life and the relationship we have cultivated with ourselves and our environment. When challenges arise, we need to sit with ourselves, change the pattern, and rewire our programming. Shift our mindset to shift our consciousness.”
For this reason, Visser emphasizes the importance of accepting responsibility for one’s own life.
Heeding the call to heal
“We need to come to a state of surrender and acceptance of where we are in this moment, taking responsibility for our lives,” Visser says. “We are and always have been the architects of our own experiences, no matter how loud the outer world may scream in our face,” Visser says. “In the seas of distraction and noise, our open hearts are our compass north, pointing us back home to the light and truth of who we are.”
The process begins with a genuine motivation to change.
“You have to want to transform,” Visser says. “No one can save you but you; it is up to you to do the work.”
In addition to healing oneself, however, doing this work also has a positive effect on those around us.
“These deeply therapeutic experiences aren’t just personal,” Visser explains. “Like throwing a pebble into a pond, they ripple out to uplift the collective consciousness. As we each do our inner work to transmute darkness into light, we contribute to the great awakening of humanity. Never underestimate the potency of your healing — it has the power to change everything, within and without.”
Become a divine alchemist
While the challenges of the contemporary world may threaten to sweep us away, energy work offers a safe harbor.
“Our pesky, persistent demons are not there to torture us but are simply crying out to be healed,” Visser explains. “We are divine alchemists, turning the lead into gold, turning our pain into light. With every layer of trauma we peel back and purge, we create space for more light to flow through us, illuminating our path forward.”