March 10, 2025
Struggle with Food? | Premier Fitness Camp

Struggle with Food? | Premier Fitness Camp

Written By Page Lauer • 3 min read

Do you struggle with food? If so, you’re in good company. Challenges with food are incredibly common and show up in many different ways.

For some, it’s the occasional overeating or over drinking at a celebration or weekend event. In other cases, it’s consistent large portions or poor food choices that are hard to manage. And for a few, issues with food or weight are demoralizing or out of control, and even diagnosable (i.e. binge eating disorder). Among this group, food and eating choices significantly affect one’s self-esteem, adequacy, and mood, greatly decreasing quality of life.

Take the following food inventory to see where you land in this regard. Remember, while this inventory is not conclusive or intended as advice, it may offer insight into how power struggles with food exist and the range of intensity at which they are experienced. And, should this inventory increase awareness and motivation, take action.

Food Inventory #1

1. Do you frequently overeat or make poor food choices?

2. When you eat unhealthy foods, does it shake your mood or confidence?

3. Have you developed health issues due to poor eating (i.e. weight gain, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, diabetes)?

4. Do you often think about controlling food most days?

5. Are you frequently dieting or trying to lose weight?


If you answered yes to any one question above, you have a minimal to nonexistent struggle with food or weight.

If you answered yes to 2 or more questions above, take Food Inventory #2.

Food Inventory #2

1. Do thoughts about food, eating, calories, or weight frequently preoccupy your mind?

2. Have you wanted to stop eating but often found yourself unable to?

3. Do you frequently look for popular weight loss methods and try methods that don’t seem healthy?

4. Is snacking or nighttime eating or drinking a problem most days?

5. Do you eat when you’re not hungry or when you’re already full?

6. Do you feel self-conscious or critical when you eat?

7. Did you receive negative messaging or modeling about food or weight when growing up?

8. Do you eat in secret where no one else can see what or how you eat?

9. Are you doing things to get rid of excess calories, such as exercising more than usual, skipping meals, restricting calories all day, or doing cleanses?

10. Have you regularly gone out of your way to get food or drinks to “hit the spot,” spending more money than you care to on such items?

11. Have others, like doctors or health providers, expressed concern about your weight, eating habits, or health-related issues?

12. Do you binge eat, consuming several portions or an entire bag or box of particular food items?

13. Have some things, such as sleep, focus, energy, or socializing, suffered as a result of overeating?

14. Do you weigh yourself obsessively or multiple times per day?

15. Is food a primary way you have fun or address boredom, with little else addressing this?

16. Do you eat emotionally or stress eat?


If you answered yes to 4 or fewer questions above, there is a mild to moderate struggle with food. While this may be stress, circumstances, or innocent, getting support, knowledge, or professional help could be of enormous value.

If you answered yes to 5-10 questions above, the struggle with food is significant and moderate at the very least, reducing quality of life and sense of self. However, much can be done to increase quality of life. Experts and specialists are available to offer support, programs, and guidance.

If you answered yes to 10 or more questions above, you have a moderate to severe struggle with food and may have a clear diagnosis, indicating you’re suffering from a mental health condition. There is more going on here than willpower, knowledge, or stress. If possible, do not delay in getting support or practices to support healing and balance.


Understanding your struggle with food is a vital step toward improving your relationship with eating and overall health. And, whether you have mild concerns or more significant challenges, recognizing these patterns can empower you to make positive changes. Don’t know where to start? This process can be scary and daunting. For a limited time, Page is offering 30-minute sessions to provide assessments and recommendations.

If you would like to schedule, Click Here.

Take the first step toward a healthier, more balanced life today at Premier Fitness Camp.

Page Lauer, LMFT
Director of Behavioral Health
Premier Fitness Camp

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