What does it mean to love yourself?
Loving yourself does not mean you do not love others. Honestly, how can we love others if we don’t love ourselves? What does it mean to practice self-care?
For me, loving yourself is about your own thoughts. When I was younger I would speak negatively to myself. I was never enough. Constantly comparing, constantly telling myself ‘I can’t’ or ‘I’m not good enough’.
Then I met a man who captured my heart and we got married. He is an encourager. One afternoon he said; “positive breeds positive and negative breeds negative.”
Over the years, each time I would speak negatively to myself I would think of his words. Over time, I became more positive toward me. This helps me to be more positive toward others. I began feeling ‘happy’.
Becoming the happiest and healthiest version of myself is my lifetime goal.
Is it easy to love yourself? Most people would probably answer, no. However, it is possible. Set a goal to treat yourself kindly and practice self-care.
Begin with you and daily self-care. Your body and mind.
- Being grateful
- Healthy food and drink choices
- Sleep patterns
- Move your body
- Be still
- Journal, read, listen to music
- Unplug from social media
This isn’t about always being positive, that’s impossible. We all have emotions and life can be a roller coaster.
Seriously, learn to be the true authentic you. Don’t try to ‘fit in’ with people. Be you and attract real friends to you. There are others out there looking for you!
Self-love can mean different things to different people. Some people may feel this is being selfish. It’s not. We can’t pour from an empty cup. If you want to give love to others you have to love and that includes yourself.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2
To love yourself means to accept yourself (value who you are) and take care of yourself.
Each day take steps to accept yourself.
- Struggles are real. Don’t be afraid of them or think you have failed when you experience them.
- If it doesn’t challenge us it won’t change us.
- Look at what you do well. It’s easy to see our weaknesses.
- List your values and accomplishments.
- You may be thinking, “yeah, but what will they think?” As you are working to improve yourself surround yourself with people who will support your dreams.
- Acknowledge areas in your life where you can improve.
- Each day take steps to treat yourself kindly and practice self-care.
When you have days that are really difficult, know we all have them. Keep going, use affirmations and daily work on your self-talk.
I’m really proud of you for reading this and it is my prayer you found something here to help you.
The Author Heidi Fleming is a Lifestyle Architect. She helps people develop a personal blueprint for healthy living and healthy aging. She encourages and guides others to find their path and create habits to sustain a lifestyle for healthy living, clean label living, and healthy aging.