March 7, 2025
Home Remedy for Cough and Cold | ProHealthshine.Com

Home Remedy for Cough and Cold | ProHealthshine.Com

Home Remedy for Cough

Home Remedy for Cough and Cold | ProHealthshine.Com
Cough and Cold
 Home Remedy for Cough:  Due to seasonal changes, our body can experience various kinds of problems. Even though it is boring, we have to accept it. The problem that is most seen during the changing seasons, it is cough and cold. When not possible to get rid of this problem even after taking various kinds of medicines. Then the problem escalates. In ancient times, people used to cure cold and cough by home remedy. As a result, the disease could be relieved very quickly.
So, today we will discuss some home remedy that can be used to cure coughs and colds easily. Let’s start:-

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a very useful thing to cure cold-cough through home remedy. Mix two teaspoons of pure apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in one cup of warm water. Drink this mixture two to three times a day. Drink it for one to two weeks, and you will notice that the cough is much reduced than ever before.

  • Gargle Salt-Water

Salt water is very useful for relieving chest colds. Cold or cough is a very uncomfortable disease, this makes it difficult to speak properly. Cough can be eliminated by salt water with home remedy. Make a mixture of one teaspoon salt and a glass of warm water. Gargle this mixture in the mouth for few moments and after sometime spit it out. Continue this process until you are relieved from cough.
But remember it, this method is can be harmful for kids.

  • Lemon and Honey

We all know, lemon and honey is very useful things for our body. 

Mix one teaspoon of honey and lemon with one cup of water, and drink it. Honey destroys the respiratory bacteria of our body. As a result, the cold cough is cleared from our chest and it’s cleanse our throatSo, honey and lemon are a very beneficial for colds and coughs as a home remedy.

Home Remedy for Cough and Cold | ProHealthshine.Com
Home Remedies

  • Ginger

Ginger is play a very important role in the treatment of home remedy for coughsCombine one tablespoon of ginger with one mug of water. Boil it for five minutes and add one-two teaspoons of honey to it. Drink this mixture three times a day. In addition, mix some amount of ginger, pepper powder and cloves with milk or honey, and drink this mixture thrice a day. You can also chew a piece of ginger in the mouth. Ginger is very effective in clearing coughs.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric contains curcumin, which relieves chest cough and reduces chest pain faster. It contains an anti-inflammatory ingredients, that relieves sore throat and chest pain. Mix a small amount of turmeric powder in a glass of warm water and gargle it daily. Heat a glass of milk with one teaspoon of turmeric powder, mix it with two teaspoons of honey and a small amount of pepper powder. Drink this solution two to three times a day. There is no comparison of turmeric as a home remedy for cough and cold.

  • Fluid

Studies have shown that, if you drink fluids you will relieves from cough runny nose and sneezing. But if you have symptoms of cold or flu, you will benefit if you drink hot beverage. In addition to, if you have cough or cold you should always to stay hydrate. This study also shows that hot beverage relieves cough, sore throat pain, cold and fatigue.

Some hot beverage of home remedy for cough and cold:-
Herbal Tea
Warm Water
Decaffeinated Black Tea
Warm Fruit Juice

  • Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow root has long been used as a home remedy for cough and sore throatThis herb is very useful to reduce the irritation caused by high amount of breathing or coughing. A study has shown that cough syrup contains marshmallow root.

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