10 Mistakes To Avoid In Periods.{Girls Health Care}
Hello, greetings friend hopes you doing great. In today‘s article, I’ll be sharing all those mistakes which are supposed to avoid during your periods. I know many points are already known by you, but many females have recently got their periods for the first time and are not much aware of all tips and tricks related to periods. So, let’s get started.
Avoid Mistake # 01:
Constantly change your pad every 4-5 hours. There are many females, especially those with scanty periods, think as their flow is rarely, so they don’t need to change their pad frequently & keep wearing the same pad for around 8 to 10 hours. So such ladies need to understand either the flow is barely or more, still they “SHOULD” change their pad after every 4-5 hours because as long as your pad is in your hands or in the box, it is nontoxic.
10 Mistakes To Avoid In Periods.{Girls Health Care}
And as soon as it incorporates with your body and comes in contact with some liquid, chemicals in that pad start spreading harmful bacteria giving rise to numerous infections. Especially those females or teenagers who are experiencing menstruation for the 1st time, “Listen to Dear Girls.” either your pad are clean or not, you need to change it after every 4-5 hours.
Avoid Mistake # 02:
Keep your private area dry. Let me clarify here. It is just a MYTH that one cannot wash her private area off during periods. It’s absolutely UNTRUE. Cleanliness and body hygiene should be your first and foremost duty, and to cleanse yourself properly, you require water. So, always wash yourself off with water but habitually use lukewarm water for washing and then pat yourself dry.
Always remember, Wet body parts give rise to humidity which in return welcomes many bacterial and fungal infections, rashes or any form of skin allergy or skin disease. So, it is recommended to always wash and pat dry your body especially your “lady parts.”
Avoid Mistake #03:
Be exceptionally careful with the fabric of your undergarments. Always wear cotton patties, especially during summers or your period days, In case, if you use undergarments made of silk or any other fabric, your private area won’t get any oxygen giving a ride to humidity which causes infections, skin allergies and/or skin rashes. While if you use cotton panties, your body will obtain enough quantity of oxygen, it needs.
10 Mistakes To Avoid In Periods.{Girls Health Care}
Avoid Mistake # 04:
One shouldn’t take any medicine during your menstruation days. Our elders (in South East Asian countries) always forbade us to pursue any medicine, no matter how much pain u r in, & this is absolutely wrong. If you are undergoing any menstrual pains and visit any doctor (“THE TERM I Used here is incorrect. My “APOLOGIZE” It is “DYSMENORRHEA, not “Amenorrhea.”) so when you tell your doctor about your painful periods, he/she’ll write you medicine for it.
I take medicine for it, and I also discussed with my doctor that our elders forbade us to take any medicine while on periods and my doctor confirmed to me that it’s a myth. And there are specific medicines available in the market for this specific issue (menstrual pains) Let me tell you here, you take any available painkiller But I’d advise you to speak to your doctor first before taking any medicine for any issue.
Avoid Mistake # 05:
If you are in pain & you don’t want to take any medicine, drink turmeric milk. Highly effective for period pain. Or you may equally use HOT WATER BOTTLE on your lower belly or back or wherever u r feeling the pain. You’d feel relieved after some time.
Avoid Mistake # 06:
Avoid eating “chilled ” food items during periods. Because during periods, you are facing numerous issues like weakness, mood swings, pain, etc. so its better to consume warm or hot items so that your body gets comfort.
10 Mistakes To Avoid In Periods.{Girls Health Care}
Avoid Mistake # 07:
When one is on periods, she doesn’t feel like consuming anything. I also among those who don’t want to eat anything due to pain and mood swings. But this is a HUGE mistake one can constantly do to her body as our body is already tired due to pain, facing weakness due to blood wastage, and then we don’t. Eat. My question is HOW WOULD OUR BODY GET AN ENERGY TO SURVIVE? So, my proper advice to all is either you want to eat or not, it doesn’t matter. ABSOLUTELY you have to eat something. Either something light or can have some juices or milk or some dry fruits.
During PMing or when in periods, one face tremendous “never-ending” mood swings like depression, anxiety, happiness for no reason, etc. So, to deal with this situation, keep yourself busy in some activity. Because when you keep thinking about your extreme mood swings, you are not doing any good to yourself. So, my advice is to keep yourself busy with something. You enjoy doing it.
Avoid Mistake # 9:
I have typically been inquired is “Can I exercise during periods” ?? My answer is Yes. You can exercise these days. In fact, I’ve heard those who face scanty periods, or whose flow is less or is facing spotting issues, should exercise as it helps them to get regular periods. Should exercise as it helps them to get regular periods with normal flow. But remember, if the first 1-2 days of your periods are extremely painful, then you should avoid exercising and can opt for low to moderate pace walk, or take complete rest. But if you are not experiencing any pain, then you can exercise during those days.
Avoid Mistake # 10:
All married females who are sexually active should avoid any “sexual intimacy” with their husbands. Especially my Muslim friends and readers you all must have known it is not allowed in Islam, and speaking scientifically about it, when females are in her periods, numerous changes (hormonal, physical or psychological), are taking place in their body, psychological) are taking place in their body, which could cause various problems to the female in the form of mood swings, anxiety, lethargies, etc.
10 Mistakes To Avoid In Periods.{Girls Health Care}
As well as could cause harm to your husband as well. Therefore, it is consistently better to avoid “sexual intimacy” with each other during your period days. Properly, these were some points which u need to be careful of while on your periods. Even you can find more informative articles in my website shazcare.com, Hope u like my thinking, if you find it useful, give it a thumb up, share with your friends and please follow me on Facebook and Twitter.
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